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“En Suspension”

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Tapisserie d’Aubusson, Atelier Cc Brindelaine.
Numbered 1/2
Circa 2020

Clémentine Dalais-Guillot was born in 1950 on the island of Mauritius where she spent the first part of her life. She lives now in France.

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in « Lettres Modernes » at La Sorbonne University in Paris, she chose photography, graphic drawings and tapestry as her preferred means of expression. Since 1980, she has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Mauritius, Paris, Marseille and many cities and localities in the Limousin region of France.

Her artistic approach reflects her questions about life. Her favorite themes: transformation, appearance and reality, illusion and mirror effects, shadow and light, The weaver Celine Ferron, founded the Atelier Cc Brindelaine in Aubusson/Felletin. The workshop combines the ancestral know-how of weaving on the low-warp loom placed horizontally working with local wools and vegetable dyes.

Clémentine Dalais-Guillot tapestry